Hi nanny!
What could be more fun than working with those little ones full of energy and creativity?
At KiddoStaff.nl we believe in the magic of working with children, and we would like to show you why it is so great to work as a home-based teacher.
As a home care teacher you will receive:freedom to determine your own day. Of course you are there when the parents are working. And you can organize the day as you think is good for a beautiful day for you and the kids.
Working with children gives you the opportunity to focus on what is really important:their well-being and development. You are there for the children to feed their curiosity and help them grow.
As a home care teacher you are part of their daily adventures. You see them grow up, discover and laugh.That special bond you build with them is something you can be proud of. You are not just a leader, but a familiar face that adds color to the world of these kiddos. And those hugs and smiles make every day worth it.
​It is of course 'your family', but you are not alone. You can fall back on the guidance of the people at KiddoStaff. If something bothers you, you can spar and consult with KiddoStaff. You can also exchange experience with one or more other KiddoStaff leaders. They often find themselves on the same schoolyard or sports club. Play mornings are regularly organized with KiddoStaff peers.
Interested? Log in via theintake form.
Als leidster aan huis maak je deel uit van hun dagelijkse avonturen. Je ziet ze opgroeien, ontdekken en lachen. Die speciale band die je met hen opbouwt, is iets waar je trots op kunt zijn. Je bent niet zomaar een leidster, maar een vertrouwd gezicht dat de wereld van deze kiddo's kleur geeft. En die knuffels en glimlachen maken elke dag de moeite waard.
​Het is natuurlijk ‘jouw gezin’ maar toch sta je niet alleen. Je kunt terugvallen op de begeleiding van de mensen van KiddoStaff. Zit je ergens mee, dan kun je altijd sparren en overleggen met KiddoStaff. Ook kun je ervaring uitwisselen met een of meerdere leidsters van KiddoStaff. Niet zelden staan ze op hetzelfde schoolplein of sportvereniging. Met regelmaat worden er speelochtenden georganiseerd met KiddoStaff leidsters en jonge leeftijdsgenootjes.
Interesse? Meld je aan via het intake-formulier.